Posted on Thursday May 30, 2024

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Randi Haynes Receives Good Samaritan Award

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance Operations Manager Randi Haynes received the honor of a Good Samaritan Hero Award from the Tennessee Red Cross in April for her assistance delivering a baby in March of 2023. Randi was in the right place at the right time when a driver abruptly pulled their car over in Downtown Chattanooga. The driver of the car hopped out and said “Oh my gosh – my daughter’s having her baby!” As fate would have it, Randi has a background in home birth midwifery and knew just what to do until firefighters arrived. Since the delivery, Randi has received many accolades for her assistance in this woman’s time of need with the most recent being this Good Samaritan Hero Award.

Randi is a one of a kind individual and we are so proud to have her on Team Block by Block! To hear the full story, check out this video from Tennessee Red Cross.