Posted on Friday December 27, 2024

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Jacksonville Opens Doors for Next Step Ambassadors

During our requests for praise stories for our 12 Days of Praise this year, we received many stories about our Ambassadors making a difference in their communities. One such story was submitted by Jacksonville Downtown Vision, Inc. (DVI) Operations Manager Jason Hatley. He wanted to share the story of one of his newest Ambassadors who came to the team through a community second-chance program and has been thriving as a representative of DVI, the Jacksonville Community and Block by Block.

Here is the story as Jason submitted it to us, with minor edits made for clarity:

Ambassador Dulani has recently joined Block by Block as a full-time Ambassador serving Downtown Jacksonville.

Our program in Jacksonville receives a grant that works with the City Rescue Mission (CRM) to assist members of the community who have experienced homelessness, are recovering from drug or alcohol addiction or even re-entering society from the penal system. The CRM has a program to support the efforts of those enrolled in successfully being reintroduced into society, and this program is referred to as the “Next Step Program.” A portion of that training has those participants getting jobs while they still live at the Mission and complete the requirements of the program.

Funded through a grant, we have an agreement with CRM to allow their program candidates to work side by side with our Block by Block Ambassadors. This acclimates them to reporting to work every day. We have a Team Lead who works directly with them to educate them on our job skills and emphasize the importance we place on hospitality and enhancing the downtown experience of all of our patrons.

Dulani Mitchell began as a “Next Step Ambassador” with us in early August as part of the grant program.  He has learned the Block by Block way, sharing positivity throughout our downtown while also cleaning and making it a beautiful place. He made such an impact on our team that he became part of the family. I am happy to share that upon completing of certain milestones within the program with the Mission, Dulani was hired by Block by Block to be a Cleaning Ambassador with our program earlier this month. His success has also allowed the CRM to send us additional “Next Step Ambassadors” to begin their journeys.

This is especially rewarding for us as Dulani came to us searching for his path going forward. Not only has he found a full-time permanent job, but he has also found a family with the entire Ambassador Team. He is extremely humble and grateful for the opportunity to grow with Block by Block and is a great representative of our Ambassador Team. We are so proud of his accomplishments and welcomed him with open arms when he was eligible to join our team.