Posted on Friday March 7, 2025 by

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Block by Block Launches New Ambassador Program for Ballpark District in Denver

DENVER, CO (March 5, 2025) – Block by Block is excited to announce the launch of a new Ambassador Program in Denver, Co., for the Ballpark General Improvement District (GID), commonly known as Ballpark District.

Ballpark District is located in the residential neighborhood and surrounding area of Coors Field — home of the Colorado Rockies, the city’s Major League baseball team.

Fourteen Ambassadors will patrol the district’s 30 blocks, providing cleaning, safety, hospitality and outreach services to district residents, visitors and property owners.

“There is a real excitement in the Ballpark District with the formation of the GID and increased resources being directed at neighborhood improvements,” Chip, Block by Block West Coast Division Vice President, said.  “We are so honored to have been given the trust to be a part of this transformation.”

Block by Block has a robust history working in downtowns since their first program launched in Louisville, Ky., in 1995. More than strictly a clean and safe service provider, Block by Block has developed an optimized operating model built on best practices, research, development and modern technology that has attracted partners in more than 150 locations nationwide, including improvement districts, parks, college campuses, transit systems and other public spaces.

For more information on Block by Block, visit

About Ballpark General Improvement District

The Ballpark GID is a new district founded to represent Ballpark’s property owners, business owners and residents. Together, the community has invested in improving the district’s safety, cleanliness and beautification.

By forming a GID, the community has secured investments to improve the vibrancy of the district, benefit Ballpark stakeholders and garner further support from the City of Denver or other community partners.

For more information on Ballpark GID, visit