
Posted on Monday June 5, 2023

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A ‘Chip’ off the Old Block by Block

Block by Block West Coast District Vice President Chip in front of San Francisco Skyline

BBB welcomes Chip as the new West Coast District Vice President.

Most people have a last name, but Chip isn’t like most people. He started going by “Chip” around his friends during his teenage years and the name just stuck. He decided to make himself officially mononymous and changed his full legal name to just ‘Chip.’

Chip is a well-known figure in the world of downtown services, a realm he feels “spoiled” to have stumbled into. He has been in downtown management in various roles for two decades after his business in a downtown district introduced him to the world. Chip is coming to Block by Block (BBB) from the Downtown Boulder Partnership in Colorado, where he served as CEO for the last four years. Prior to working with Downtown Boulder, Chip worked with the Downtown Association of Santa Cruz (DTSC), California. At other points in his career, he has worked with the California Downtown Association (CDA) and the International Downtown Association (IDA) communities.

Chip is no stranger to BBB. He brought Ambassadors to Downtown Boulder in 2020 and DTSC hired BBB the same year at his suggestion. As a BBB customer, Chip had already established many relationships with work colleagues at BBB. It was serendipitous, he says, that he came to find out about the open position for a West Coast District Vice President.

Around the same time he and his wife (who does have a last name) were thinking about moving back to California to be closer to their family, Chip ran into Derreck Hughes, BBB Vice President of Operations, at IDA’s West Coast Summit. Derreck mentioned BBB would soon be hiring someone to cover West Coast BBB accounts. After hearing this, Chip followed up and “threw his name in the hat.” The rest, as they say, is history. Chip begins his new role as West Coast District Vice President at the end of July operating out of San Francisco, CA.

For Chip, moving to California is a homecoming. Not only is he looking forward to being closer to family, but he is also excited to reunite with business associates from BBB and  downtown staff he has worked with over the years.

Chip brings a unique perspective of having run Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), worked with cities and businesses, and been “the person in the hotseat” ensuring everything gets done and done right. As a former downtown district CEO, Chip says he recognizes that the world of safety, cleaning and taking care of public infrastructure needs to change. He looks forward to creating strategic innovations and helping grow leaders as BBB leads the charge of improving downtowns across America.

Chip is enthusiastic about the challenge of infusing the renowned BBB Company Culture with the culture of each unique downtown that BBB serves. “I’m excited to get to work with people in some of the most amazing downtowns in the world all over the West Coast. I’m thrilled for this opportunity,” Chip said.

When asked what he was most proud of accomplishing during his career, Chip mentioned honorable undertakings like assisting in the creation of a Community Advisory Board that focuses on equity issues in Boulder, as well as helping with homelessness support organizations. But more than anything else, Chip feels a great sense of pride for the role he has played in the professional development of his team and those around him, especially when they move on to better opportunities for themselves, whether it is with the company he works for or outside of it. He likes to support people on their journey as they evolve and grow into better versions of themselves. Chip has seen many individuals use the role of an Ambassador as a launchpad for other adventures, both within BBB and outside of it.

Outside of work, Chip is a basketball fanatic. In his spare time, he said he likes to “eat, drink, play basketball and hangout with [his] wife.” For Chip’s fun fact, he said he once worked for the Pickle Family Circus – as a rigger, production manager and lighting designer.

BBB looks forward to Chip taking the reins of the West Coast accounts and seeing all that he will accomplish in this new role. He joins John Koch, Central Division Vice President, and Carin Cardone, East Coast Division Vice President. Congratulations, Chip! Before you know it, you’ll be a regular Chip off the old Block by Block!

Map of Block by Block Divisions in the United States

BBB accounts are separated into three divisions. Note: the divisions on this map are for visual representations only; they are not necessarily accurate to each area covered by each individual.