Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership/Golden Triangle

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Block by Block is responsible for the daily management and staffing of the Clean and Outreach Team. The staff is comprised of two Street Team Ambassadors and 21 Clean Team Ambassadors. The Clean Team Ambassadors are responsible for creating a clean and presentable environment in Downtown Pittsburgh that serves the residential and professional communities, while also creating an inviting and welcoming atmosphere for those seeking a family-friendly fun time. Clean Team Ambassadors are responsible for keeping downtown free of litter, weeds, and graffiti as well as carrying out tasks that improve the long-term appearance in downtown. The Street Team Ambassadors aid in the safety of those who live, work and play in Downtown Pittsburgh. Their primary responsibility is directly engaging the unhoused and unsheltered population to provide available resources to assist them in improving the quality of their lives and restoring the quality of their standard of living that should be afforded to us all.


The Golden Triangle Ambassadors are the hospitality arm of the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership.

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Serving Since: 2006