Castro CBD
San Francisco, CaliforniaWe are proud to provide cleaning and hospitality Ambassadors to The Castro Community Benefits District (CBD). Commonly called The Castro, this is a beautiful neighborhood in Eureka Valley in San Francisco, California.
The Castro CBD provides cleaning services 365 days a year. The services are provided within the footprint of the District and include:
- Daily sweeping of the entire district (sidewalks and gutters)
- Sweeping Harvey Milk and Jane Warner Plazas and cleaning the planter beds
- Graffiti removal on public and private property (removal of graffiti on private property requires a signed waiver from the property owner)
- Report dumped debris to 311
- Repaint street furniture and lamp posts
- Additional cleaning services for special events and street fairs
- Assist with management of plaza furniture
- Spot Steam Cleaning as needed
- Regular steam cleaning all sidewalks in the district
- Steam cleaning Harvey Milk and Jane Warner Plazas as needed
- Dispatch services
Castro Cares is staffed with highly trained, unarmed, Community Ambassadors.
- Community Ambassadors: Deployed 7 days a week, Community Ambassadors help create a more welcoming and vibrant district. Community Ambassadors provide social service outreach, wayfinding, hospitality, and an extra pair of eyes and ears on the street. These goodwill ambassadors are easy to spot with bright yellow-green jackets, T-shirts, and hats. You can reach them by calling the Castro CBD’s dispatch number at 415-471-7536.
Example of services provided:
- Check-in with merchants
- Well-being checks and outreach with the most vulnerable on our street
- Enforcement of MPC No-Trespassing
- Deter negative street behavior
- Collaboration with city departments to resolve street-level issues and concerns
- Hospitality services to visitors
- Respond to calls for service
- Collaboration with Castro CBD Clean Team